The following are questions that we are commonly asked by new patients.
Do I need an appointment?
Yes, scheduled appointments allow us to dedicate our attention to each patient as required. Appointments can be scheduled by calling your PrimeMed Medical Group physician practice number.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Please bring the following to each clinic visit:
Photo ID
Your current health insurance card
Your current address and phone number
A list of the medications you are currently taking or the medication bottles of the prescriptions you currently have
Any forms that you need your provider to complete for you
Co-payment(s), if required
Tests results/films that have been requested by us
Method of payment. Credit Card, Cash, Debit Cards and Personal Checks are accepted.
What should I do if your office is closed and I need medical care or need to speak with the doctor after hours.
Emergency: If you are experiencing what you believe is a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to the closest hospital Emergency Department.
Urgent: Please contact your PrimeMed physician office. You will be directed to our after hours service who will assist you with your call and transfer you to a nurse or physician as needed.
Non-Urgent Calls: Routine medication refills, scheduling of appointments and physician referrals should be handled during regular business hours.
How can I get copies of my medical records?
By law, patients requesting their medical records must submit a written request. Patient Medical Record Release Form.
Do I have to fast before lab tests?
Routinely, a patient should fast prior to blood testing ordered by your physician. Fasting entails not eating any food or not drinking any beverages other than water for eight (8) to ten (10) hours prior to testing. Morning medications can be taken with water prior to the blood test.
Certain blood tests do not require fasting so consult your healthcare provider for guidance.
What do I do if I need to change or cancel an appointment?
If you must cancel your appointment, we’ll be happy to reschedule you at a more convenient time. We ask you to give us 24 hours advance notice, providing an opportunity for another patient to be seen. If you do not contact us regarding a cancellation, you may be charged a cancellation fee.
What are your co-payment policies?
Copayments must be paid at time of service, based on contractual requirements with your insurance provider. Our policy is to collect the copayment upon arrival at check-in.
What if I need a prescription or medication refill?
Just as we cannot treat illness over the telephone, we cannot be expected to prescribe all medications over the telephone. Refills should be requested during normal office hours and at least a day in advance of needing the refill. When requesting a refill, please have the name and phone number of the pharmacy of your choice along with the name and dosage of the medication needing refilled. If leaving refill information on the office refill voicemail please state your name and date of birth, pharmacy and medication to be refilled clearly.
Can I email questions to my doctor and will they respond to me via email?
Due to the fact that no email is ever truly secure and not considered HIPAA compliant we do not advise communicating with the physician office in this manner.
PrimeMed Medical Group has implemented a secure patient portal that allows you to communicate electronically directly with your healthcare provider.
What happens if I get admitted to the hospital?
When you are admitted to a local hospital, your care will be managed by a covering PrimeMed physician or the designated hospitalist group. Every effort is made to assure information regarding your hospital care is available to your primary care physician.